How To Play Maokai In League Of Legends: A Guide

Maokai is a champion that operates as a well rounded tree, he has some decent poke and also can go in and out of team fights. He is really good against champions like Vladimir or Swain who have to stand on the opposite side of the tree, since they are forced to take all the damage without being able to dish it back.


Welcome to my guide on how to play Maokai in League of Legends!

Maokai is a unique champion that can be played in a variety of ways. He is a tanky support that excels at team fighting and disrupting the enemy backline. In this guide, I will teach you everything you need to know about playing Maokai, from his strengths and weaknesses, to his optimal skill order and item build.

I hope that by the end of this guide, you will have a better understanding of how to play Maokai and be able to use him to help your team secure victory.


Runes are a vital part of any champion's kit in League of Legends, and Maokai is no different. In this guide, we'll take a look at the best runes to use on Maokai, as well as some tips and tricks on how to play him effectively.  Play 918kiss Malaysia

As a tanky support/disruptor, Maokai works best with runes that emphasize his durability and crowd control abilities. For his primary rune page, we recommend taking Resolve as your Keystone and filling out the rest of the page with Aftermath, Bond of Stone, Overgrowth, and Unflinching. This rune page will give you the extra health and resistances you need to survive in the jungle or laning phase, as well as the tenacity to reduce incoming CC.

For Maokai's secondary rune page, we recommend taking Grasp of the Undying as your Keystone. This will allow you to trade more effectively in lane by giving you extra health on hit, and can also be useful for extended teamfights. The rest of this page should be filled out with Kleptomancy, Taste of Blood, Ravenous Hunter, and Ultimate Hunter. This rune page gives you extra sustain and damage for trading in lane or going for kills, making it perfect for those who want to play a more aggressive style.


There are a few key masteries that are important for Maokai to make the most of his abilities.

First, in the offense tree, picking up extra magic penetration will help Maokai deal more damage with his spells. Ability power and cooldown reduction are also important, as they will let him cast his spells more often and make them more effective.

In the defense tree, Maokai benefits from extra health and armor, which help him survive in fights and tank damage for his team. Magic resistance is also important to help him shrug off enemy spells.

Finally, in the utility tree, mana regeneration and movement speed bonuses help Maokai keep up his spells and positioning in fights. The extra experience gain is also helpful to keep him ahead of the competition as he gains levels faster than other champions.


Maokai is a very tanky AP champion that can easily take down enemies with his high burst damage and sustain. In order to play Maokai, you must be very aggressive and constantly putting out damage. Maokai is very strong against immobile targets such as ADC's and AP carry's.

When playing Maokai, you should always be looking to engage on your enemies. Maokai's Q, Sapling Toss, is a great way to start fights as it does a lot of damage and can easily take down squishy targets. Always try to follow up your Q with your W, Twisted Advance, as it will allow you to close the gap quickly and deal even more damage.

Your ultimate, Vengeful Maelstrom, is a great tool for both initiating fights and saving your teammates. Vengeful Maelstrom will deal a lot of AOE damage and also provide a decent amount of crowd control. When using your ult, always try to use it in the middle of the enemy team as it will do the most damage possible.


When it comes to playing Maokai, there are a few different ways you can go about it. You can either play him as a tanky support, or you can build him as a damage-dealing AP carry. No matter which way you choose to play him, though, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

For starters, Maokai is a fairly strong laner. He has decent sustain thanks to his W, and his Q gives him some good poke. He's also got a pretty good escape mechanism in his E. That said, he's not the strongest 1v1 fighter in the world. He's much better at ganking and teamfighting than he is at soloing opponents.

If you're going for a tanky support build, then you'll want to max W first and focus on building health and resistances. Your goal with this build is to be as annoying and disruptive as possible while still being able to take a beating. Build items like Locket of the Iron Solari and Randuin's Omen to help you survive in teamfights, and don't forget to get some form of crowd control (CC) on your team (such as Nami or Janna) to help keep enemies off of your squishier teammates.

If you're building Maokai as an AP carry, then you'll want to max Q first for the extra damage it provides. You'll also want to focus

Counters and Tips

When playing Maokai, it is important to keep track of your opponents' movements and position yourself accordingly. Here are some tips to help you do just that:

Pay attention to the map and your surroundings at all times. This will give you an idea of where your opponents are and what they might be up to.

Use your Q ability, Sapling Toss, to create vision in strategic areas. This will allow you to see enemy movement and set up ambushes.

Stay behind your allies when engaging in fights. This will protect you from enemy attacks and give you time to react.

Use your ultimate ability, Vengeful Maelstrom, wisely. It can turn the tide of a battle if used correctly, so make sure to use it when the situation calls for it.

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